Staff & Church Officers


The Reverend Lisa M. Robechek serves as Pastor to Two Rock Valley and Tomales Presbyterian Churches, two congregations yoked together for more than 70 years. She began her ministry here in January 2024.Rev. Robechek’s professional career spans more than two decades and includes serving Presbyterian Churches in San Francisco, California and Louisville, Kentucky. She has also served as a Hospital Chaplain in Columbus, Ohio and San Francisco/Greenbrae, California.

Lisa’s initial call into ministry was prompted by her deep passion for helping people in vulnerable positions (cancer survivors, victims of child abuse, and individuals wrestling with mental health). Lisa values strong interpersonal relationships and loves helping make church accessible for those who are not familiar with or have been harmed by the Church. She enjoys expressing her slightly irreverent sense of humor and pursues artistic endeavors (photography, painting, collage, writing and dance) to keep her grounded.

To make an appointment with Lisa, please call the church office at 707.762.4924 or e-mail Or come meet her on Sunday mornings: 9:30 at Two Rock Valley Presbyterian (7063 Bodega Avenue, Petaluma, CA) or 11 am at Tomales Presbyterian (11 Church Street, Tomales, CA).


Kathy Murphy is our church secretary. She is in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
You can call the church office at 707.762.4924 or e-mail

Church Secretary

Music Director

Gary Foster is our pianist and music director. He is our musical treasure, being skilled in all things piano.


Mel Todt became the treasurer in 2000. His background was in banking so when the treasurer opening occurred he was a natural for the position. He is treasurer for both the Two Rock and Tomales Presbyterian churches.


Sheila and Dan Thornton are the custodians of our historic buildings and grounds and do a wonderful job.

Church Officers

Financial Secretary – Dennis Hansen

Clerk of Session – Sharon Knudsen

Elders – Sharon Knudsen, Kathy Murphy and Kip Spragens

Deacons – Liz Mitchell, Kathy Foster and Mary Spragens.

The Session meets once a month to discuss church matters.